Secure Storage for your Wills,
Deeds and Other Important Documents.

Why Choose The Wills Company

Wills storage from £12 per year,
or lifetime storage for £60.
Flood and fire protection.
Secure, accredited storage facilities.
Can be retrieved at anytime.
Will storage in action

Why Use Will or Document Storage

  • Protected from fire and flood damage.
  • Prevent the will or document being tampered with.
  • Stored in the optimum environment to protect the
    document from deteriorating.
  • Prevent loss of the document.
  • Retrievable at any time.

What Our Customers think

5.0 Star Reviews Based on 250 Reviews

The Wills Company has been a great help. I didn’t want the hassle of keeping my important papers at home anymore, and now they’re safely stored away.

John Marshall – Bristol

After doing my research, I chose The Wills Company to store my Will. The process was really easy and quick to use, and now I’ve let me family know about it for when they might need it.

Margaret Spencer – Edinburgh

My house deeds were stored with my bank, but when our local branch closed, I was concerned about retrieving them easily. I didn’t feel comfortable keeping them at home, so The Wills Company provided the perfect solution. Their secure storage gives me peace of mind, and I know I can access the deeds whenever I need to.

David Hughes – Manchester